Readers of my Italian sabbatical updates may remember the difficulties I had purchasing a chair. My parents were coming to visit and my mother has a bad back and needs a chair with good support, something nonexistent in my apartment, so off I went on my quest for a chair.
I won’t revisit the whole Italian chair buying experience, but, from getting to the store (it took me two days), to arranging delivery (they wanted me to carry the large footstool home on the bus through three different connections) to getting the chair into my apartment (the delivery people didn’t think it would fit), there was no part of the experience that was easy.
Mom and dad are planning a visit to Ireland and, while my apartment is quite nice, once again, my furniture does not offer good support. This chair buying experience was quite different. I started out on a walk on Saturday with no specific plan. I walked up the river and past a furniture store. I ventured in and saw some lovely chairs. None of the chairs had price-tags, which I believe is the universal language for, “you can’t afford me.” I continued up the river to a large shopping district. At the very end of the large number of stores was a discount furniture shop. I walked in and climbed up a floor. I sat in a sale chair that promised good support. I approached a sales person. I bought the chair and arranged delivery. The chair arrived yesterday with no difficulties.
I don’t have a good story, but I do have a good chair.
Well done Brighid!